This is a variation on the classic turkey stuffed with apples...with a twist!
First of all, why stuff a turkey with apples? There are three basic reasons:
- one,the fruit stuffed inside ensures the turkey meat will be moist and tender WITHOUT the hastle of basting (no more complex surgical operations like the one in the picture!);
- two, provided the turkey is big enough, there will be enough juicy, flavourful fruit to go with the meat so that you don't need to cook vegetables or add anything else beyond simple french fries (you can use the frozen variety to make it even easier);
- three, the fruit juices make for an extra light gravy with a minimum of fats because you don't need to smother your turkey in butter, oil or margarine: the fruit ensures it cooks without burning (and that means it's a low cholesterol recipe by definition)
But chunks of peeled apples are so run-of-the-mill, they're...boring: almost a cop out!
So how can you make it INTERESTING?
Simple, just leave your chunks of apple in a (tasty) mixture of chicken broth and brandy to soak up flavours for a couple of hours before stuffing the bird with it. Here's the way to do it.
For for an average 5 or 6 pound turkey
- one small glass of brandy
- one cup chicken broth- juice of a HALF LEMON (so the apples keep their color)
- one big spoonful of SUGAR
- a dash of PEPPER (optional)
Start with preparing the CHICKEN BROTH to which you add the GLASS of BRANDY (and if you feel like it, why not add also a couple of spoonfuls of whatever fruit liquor you happen to have handy: it makes for additional flavour...), the lemon juice, sugar and pepper.
Sir the apple chuncks in this mixture and let it sit for at least a couple of hours at room temperature.
Then fill your bird, packing it in tight and cook it as usual in a regular oven at 180° or whatever temperature you normally use to roast a chicken.
COOKING TIME : For every pound you must count 20 minutes of cooking, plus 10 percent of total time to ensure your turkey is fully cooked (example: a 6 pound Turkey requires 20mn x 6 : 120 mn + 10% = 132 mn: a little over 2 hours)
Enjoy and have a nice relaxed Christmas dinner that won't cause you indigestion!
If you like apples with your turkey in SUMMER when it's real hot out there and all you want to do is turn off your oven and eat cold food, here's a neat recipe I found on the Internet which reflects the spirit of mine in an easy summer-style version (although I'd cook the turkey breasts in chicken broth rather than salt water...):
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